Report Tables (Overview)

The report (or on-screen report, to distinguish it from the Printer Layout that defines the printout) includes several graphics and tables for displaying all relevant sample data on the screen. The report is saved in the Report Definition File (RDF), together with the printer layout.

To open the report tables, either select Show Report on the View menu or click the following icon: . The report is usually displayed in the Integration window. However, you can also have the report tables displayed in the QNT Editor to directly check the effects of the changes made in the QNT Method. (For more information about the editor, refer to Data Representation and Reprocessing  The QNT Editor.)

You can add, edit, or extend the individual report tables as required. Chromeleon provides the following tables when you select Insert Report on the Table menu:


Result Tables




Peak Results

These reports combine data of the current sample.



Calibration Report

Displays all variables required for creating a calibration report.



Integration Report

Displays all variables required for creating an integration report.



Sample Results

These reports combine data of the entire sequence.



Calibration History

Displays all variables documenting the course of the calibration.



Peak Summary

Displays those variables for the entire sequence that are required for creating a peak summary.



SST Summary Report

Documents the results of the System Suitability Test for the entire sequence.



Audit Trails




Audit Trail
(Commands, SST, ...)

Displays the Audit Trail of the current sample. (Also, see Data Management  Audit Trails).



MS Instrument Info Report

Displays information about the Mass Spectrometer.



MS Status Log Report

Displays the mass spectrometer settings.



MS Tune Data Report

Displays the tune data of the Xcalibur raw data file.



MS Instr. Method Report (XRaw)

Indicates the MS method.



Spectra Results




MS Raw Report

Displays the raw data of the current Mass Spectrum.



Fraction Collection Results




Fraction Report

Displays all variables required to create a fraction report.



Tube Report

Displays the different variables describing the single fraction collection tubes. This also includes the fraction report variables. However, please note that these variables are not selected by default.



QNT Tables

These reports combine data of the current sample.



Detection Parameter

Displays all Detection Parameters of the current sample.



Peak Table

Displays all variables that are required for displaying the peak table of the QNT Editor.



SST Table

Lists variables of the System Suitability Test for the current sample.



PGM Tables





Displays the Program for the current sample.



Post Acq. Processing

Displays the Post-Acquisition Steps for the current sample.



MS Method

Displays information about the current method of the Mass Spectrometer



Miscellaneous Tables




Database Query

Inserts any kind of database queries into the report.



History Report

Displays all variables required for creating a History report.



Select Print on the File menu to print chromatograms, spectra, report tables, etc. at any time. The pages defined in the Printer Layout are printed. This also applies when you print from an on-screen report.


For more information about some of the reports mentioned above, refer to:

 The Integration Report

 The Calibration Report

 The Peak Summary Report

 The History Report

 Special Report Tables


For information about how to create a report, refer to  Creating and Using Report Tables.